meine bevorzugten TriumpharmeenDa diese Regeln bei uns DBA inzwischen ganz ersetzt haben, wird es langsam Zeit einige bevortugte Listen zu verewigen, da diese sonst nur online aufgelistet stehen.
Umbrian 650-290 vZ; IR: 2 MR: 1 arable | 2 | jcv(Gen) 8 | - | |
4 | heavy foot hoplites 20 | all | | 7 | light foot 41 | all | |
2 | rabble 45 | - | | 1/16 | skirmishers slingers 48 | - |  |
Apulian, Lucanian, or Bruttian 448-225vZ |
IR: 1 MR: 3, Apulia: arable Lucania or Bruttia: Hilly, BC: Pack Train and Herds pack mules |
3 | jcv(Gen) 12 | - | Apulian | 12/15 | light foot 48 | all | |
2 | jcv(Gen) 8 | - | Lucanian | 12 | light foot 44 | all | |
2/16 | rabble javelinmen 48 | - | |
1 | jcv(Gen) 4 | - | Brutian | 14 | light foot 46 | all | | 1/16 | rabble javelinmen 48 | - |  |

Samnite 355-272vZ, IR: 1 MR: 4, hilly, BC: 0-2 Prepared Defenses |
1 | jcv(Gen) 4 | - | | 10 | raiders 40 | all | |
2/13 | rable 48 | - | |
1 | jcv(Gen) 4 | - | mit verbündeten Umbriern | 6 | raiders 28 | all | |
1 | jcv 32 | - | Umbrie | 2 | light foot 38 | - | Umbrie |
Early German 115vZ - 250, IR: 2 MR: 3 Cherusci or Batavi 2 All other tribes, forrest |
Battle Cards: Fortified Camp Wagon laager, Pack Train & Herds cattle herd | 1-4 | jcv (Gen) horsemen | all | |
6-13 | warriors fierce fighters (Gen) | all | | 0-1 | raiders fighters armed with sword | all | |
2-4 | rabble skirmishers throwing spears | - | | 0-2 | skirmishers bowmen | - | |
Quadi; Iazyges Allies 88 AD - 93, 2-4 knights |
1 | jcv (Gen) horsemen 4 | all | | 12 | warriors fierce fighters 40 | all | |
1 | raiders fighters armed with sword 44 | all | | 1 | skirmishers bowmen 47 | - | |
15+ | | | BC: Fortified Camp Wagon laager |
Quadi 88 - 93 | 1 | jcv (Gen) horsemen 4 | all | |
6 | warriors fierce fighters 28 | all | | 1 | raiders fighters armed with sword 32 | all | |
4 | Iazyges Allies knights | | | 12 | | | |
...Quaden mit jazygischen Verbündeten...
Dacian, Bastarnae or Carpi 60 vZ - 380, IR: 1 MR: 3, arable, hilly |
Battle Cards Fortified Camp low drystone walls | 0-1 | jcv (Gen) horsemen | all | |
8-14 | warband fighters with javelins (Gen) | all | | 0-4 | raiders Dacian falxmen | all | 60vZ - 106 |
0-2 | raiders falxmen | all | 107 - 380 | 2-4 | bow levy | - | |
0-3 | light foot tribal light infantry | - | | 2-4 | Sarmatian allies lancers | - | |
| 1 | jcv (Gen) horsemen 4 | all | |
8 | warband fighters with javelins 28 | all | | 3 | raiders Dacian falxmen 40 | all | 60vZ - 106 |
2 | bow levy 44 | - | | 1 | light foot tribal light infantry 47 | - | |
15 | Battle Cards Fortified Camp low drystone walls 48 |
Migration-Era Alan 50-650, IR: 1 MR: 3, arable | Battle Cards: Fortified Camp; Wagon laager + Pack Train & Herd; cattle herd | 0-6 | knights(Gen) | all | | 6-12 | horse bow(Gen) | - | |
0-4 | warband | all | | 0-2 | skirmishers | - | |
4 | knights(Gen) 16 | all | | 6 | horse bow(Gen) 40 | - |
| 2 | Warband 46 | all | | 12+ | | | BC: Fortified Camp; Wagon laager |
Later Sub-Roman British 429-470, IR: 1 MR: 1, arable | Battle Cards: Battle Cards Pack Train and Herds pack ponies |
0-1 | knights or elite foot (Gen) | all | 429-470 only Britannia Prima | 0-1 | elite foot (Gen) | all | 429-470 only Britannia Prima, Hold the Line |
0-1 | elite foot or knights | all | 495-517 only Arthur | 0-1 | elite foot Companions | all | all except Britannia Prima or Arthur |
10-16 | heavy foot Pedyt (Gen) | all | | 0-3 | rabble militia | - | |
0-1 | light foot or jcv Irish | - | |
| 1 | knights (Gen) 4 | all | |
1 | elite foot 8 | all | | 10 | heavy foot Pedyt 38 | all | |
3 | rabble militia 44 | - | |
1 | jcv Irish 48 | - | | 16 | | | |
Slav or Wend 580-1218, IR: 1 MR: 3, forest, Wends: marsh |
Battle Cards: Fortified Camp Wagon laager, Pack Train & Herds cattle herd |
1-2 | jcv (Gen) noble horsemen | - | | 6-14 | light foot | all | |
0-4 | heavy foot spearmen | all | 830-1105 | 1-5 | bow levy or skirmishers bowmen | - | |
0-9 | rabble | - | | 0-2 | raiders, mersenary | - | 804-1056 |
| 2 | jcv (Gen) noble horsemen | - | Heveller nach 830 |
6 | light foot | all | | 3 | heavy foot spearmen | all | 830-1105 |
1 | bow levy bowmen | - | | 1 | raiders, mersenary | - | 804-1056 |
13+ | BC: Fortified Camp Wagon laager |
Die Listen sind einfacher gehalten, wahrscheinlich den DBM-Listen nachempfunden. Da die Autoren der Regeln Amerikaner & Kanadier sind, sind auch die Listen hollywoodmössig gehalten. Wiederum sind die meisten germanischen Armeen blutrünstig & primitiv, aber trotzdem gut spielbar...
Early Khazar 568-737, IR: 1 MR: 2, steppe |
Battle Cards: Fortified Camp Wagon laager, Command Wagon: Kagans Wagon | 1-2 | elite cavalry(Gen) noble horsemen | - | |
0-1 | spear guard spearmen | all | Mobile Infantry (Camel-mounted) | 4-11 | horse bow | - | |
0-2 | horde | all | Mobile Infantry (Camel-mounted) | 0-2 | skirmishers bowmen | - | |
0-1 | artilery | - | | 0-4 | light foot Slavic light infantry | - | |
| 2 | elite cavalry(Gen) noble horsemen | - | |
1 | spear guard spearmen | all | | 6 | horse bow | - | |
1 | artilery | - | | 3 | light foot Slavic light infantry | - | |
13 | |